This Sunday we spent all afternoon at various parks around town, and ended with an hour at this pebble beach in Steiliacoom. From this spot you could see the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (the predecessor was the famously nicknamed Galloping Gertie which collapsed in 1940, the current bridges were finished in 1950 and 2007). Despite the hint of Fall keeping the morning cool, it was warm enough by mid-afternoon that the kids could get in the water and we all got a little bit sunburned.
Today Kyra had an evaluation with a speech therapist, who confirmed my suspicion that Kyra does indeed have trouble with her articulation and putting nouns and verbs together, and so tomorrow we'll meet with the therapist again to determine what the best course of action is for getting Kyra on track. We'll probably be doing a group therapy once a week and hopefully a one on one therapy as well, but it depends on the waiting list (currently the clinic we were seen at has a 300+ child wait list, so we'll be looking at other clinics as well in the hopes we can get services for her shortly). The therapist suspects Kyra may have a specific kind of trouble with speech called Apraxia, but it will take more time watching and working with Kyra to determine if that is the case, as it is a difficult condition to diagnose in young children.
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