On Monday Kyra turned three! She's growing up so fast, it's hard to believe it sometimes. As you can see she very much enjoyed her raspberry frosted chocolate cupcakes. She got to spend the morning making a Hello Kitty at Build-a-Bear, with lunch at McDonald's and then she and her siblings ran around the mall play place for a while. After the mall we came home for those yummy cupcakes and then we spent the rest of the afternoon at the park. All in all she had a pretty good day! She definitely approved of her new twirly skirt (made the night before at 11pm, because this mom always does everything at the last minute!).
Today the kids are out front with their dad pulling the weeds in half the flower bed (we found a bird nest in the other half so we're leaving it be for now). Tomorrow if the weather is nice we plan to take the kids to a spraygrounds at one of the Tacoma metro parks. Gyven and Kyra loved it last year.
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